Friday, December 12, 2008

Venting. (Updated)

Turns out, the school had somehow created two accounts for me. And, each time I logged onto to my application, the info I entered was going to a different account. (WTF? That happens?) So, I guess that explains my odd combination of confirmations and missing information...They are in the process of merging my two accounts and have confirmed that everything has been submitted.

So, I sent my graduate application in last Saturday (as in a week ago tomorrow). Confirmed. Sent. Via the school's website. Then, THIS morning at 6 am, I get an email saying I haven't submitted my application. (They were due Monday, as in four days ago.) I log on to check my status and my uploaded files have all been deleted and they claim I have NOT sent the forms I definitely sent (if you have talked to me since then, I told you about it, because I was pretty freaking proud of myself). But, I don't know whether to upload them all again, because I don't want to submit two applications (obviously). So, now I am waiting to hear back from the Surly Miss at the graduate office.

I know this is a small hitch, but I've been pretty down lately. I am SO pregnant. Eleanor's face was eaten and sewn back together. I don't even want to cry - I just want to melt into a pathetic puddle for a few days. I need to "put on my big girl pants" and deal with sh*t, as my father would say. But, man, I don't want to deal with anything. Or at least, I want the things I've already dealt with to be over and done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im so sorry you are having a rough week. Good luck!