Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Also, a little TMI.

I just burped. Aloud. Gross, I know. I am so pregnant. Please forgive me. It was unexpected.

But, Eleanor looked up at me, shook her head, wrinkled her nose, scowled and said, "Eew." Very succint. Very clear. Mommy, you're nasty and you generally disappoint.

1 comment:

melissa said...

you know how some people type LOL and they really honestly didn't LOL ... well I just seriously LOL-ed. and, to share a little bit more TMI - if Dave or I fart (ha), Abigail will say one of two things:

1) Poo-poo
2) Faaahhht

and then she will laugh.

you really do have to love this age.