Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sweet Eleanor.

OK, so I LOVE Eleanor. So so so so much. But, "sweet" did not describe her today. She was sweet some moments, others so very salty. As in, a fit in the store that made people turn and scowl at me. (Trust me, the looks are even less pleasant when your 18 month old looks like she just got into a major bar brawl.)

That being said, she may have been expecting the trauma that is to come early tomorrow morning. We are getting up bright and early and going back to Howard County General to have her stitches removed. (I have heard this is almost as bad as having the stitches put in.) So, I'd appreciate your thoughts that she might have a peaceful (enough) time. Don't worry, we have Land Before Time, drinkable yogurt, mini-marshmallows, and homemade chocolate chip cookies for post-procedure. (I guess I should also pick up a blood sugar monitor and insulin pump while I am at it, as the diet above is sure to induce Type 2 diabetes.)


Lora said...

Thinking about you guys today and hoping it goes smoothly! Post some pics if you can

Anonymous said...

Good luck today!