Saturday, July 28, 2007

Seven (plus) Weeks of Silly.

(Pardon my cleavage.)



She comes from the bath, after a good luxurious scrub - gurgling, snugly and adorable. You dress her in something that highlights her perfectly pudgy legs and blue eyes. You bend over her smiling face, and inhale deeply. Feet, lovely. Knees, heavenly. Tummy, divine. Hands, perfection. Neck. Wait, hold on here. You know that smell. Like Parmesan cheese has been curdled in the neckmeat of the sweet baby you wash with lavender and lotion with honey. The baby you dress in soft cotton, and whose hair is like strands of cinnamon-scented silk. Your nose seeks out the funk, and finds it nestled in folds of soft skin. No matter how well you think you have deciphered the many chins of your baby, there is inevitably one piece of real estate within one chin that you have not fully explored. And there, brewing between two pieces of orange blossom skin, is yesterday's milk. Not only is the scent like something you could only find at a European delicatessen, the consistency is certainly one of an aged french wheel. At this point, your only solace may be removing the offending fromage, and smelling somewhere else.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Shooting Hoops.

Not really. Actually, Mommy just couldn't help posing Baby Eleanor in her fly workout gear. I guess it isn't a workout if you are lying on the bed, and Mommy and Aunt Marie have to swoop in and save you when the ball rolls gently in your direction...

So, I know babies are fairly androgynous...

...But do you really think she's a boy? Dressed head to toe in pink? In a pink carseat? "Is it a boy?" No, can't you read her blatantly stereotypical gender assignment?

Back in Action.

Well, I actually have rechargable batteries, but they are the ones that continue to die on me about an hour after I insert them. The fact that they're rechargable means they probably run out of juice at some point - maybe that's happened. And, it definitely means that I am lazy, because despite two sets of rechargable batteries, I don't manage to replace them more than once a week. But, as Bill says, "These are precious moments." So, I vow to be better at snapping photos! Here are some from today...

(Lovely style via the fashionable Stephanie Smith & Asilia Hill. Thank you!)

Not so much independent (yet), but still lots to celebrate.

This is Eleanor with her baby friend, Abigail, on the fourth of July!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Smiles for me only.

Okay, sorry for the long gap between posts. My camera has some strange affliction that causes its batteries to expire often. So, that is why there are no pictures occasionally. But, today was a very exciting day! At Eleanor's most awake moment this morning, I crouched down over her and smiled, and...she smiled back! For the first time, she actually smiled at me. And, it actually happened twice. :o)

Monday, July 09, 2007

He's a sweet daddy.

And, I love him.

Bathtime for Bayby Eleanor.


Our sweet Eleanor had her one month check up today! She has officially gained two pounds! 8 lbs, 2 oz. And she has grown an inch! Our doctor was wonderful, and confirmed my suspicion that she is indeed a very special baby! (I am sure he does NOT do that for everyone, haha.)

Friday, July 06, 2007


I haven't slept.
There has been much eating.
There has been much vomit.
There has been wakefulness at hours when nothing makes sense but sleep.
My house smells funny.
I have disdain for my pets.
I long desperately for my bed.
I cannot wait for the light that brings sleep.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Pump up the Jam, Pump it........zzzzzz...

Last night was shaping up to be a relatively easy night. After eating at 11 PM, Eleanor decided she was hungry again at 12 AM. Fine, no big deal - we were both up. After eating at 12, Eleanor then slept until 3 AM!!! I kid you not - three hours. Although she slept on my chest, because of my own fear of vomiting/choking, and I woke myself up about every two-and-a-half minutes for the same reason, this was an excellent stretch of relaxation for us. At 3 AM, she woke up, ready to eat again. Excellent! I was more than happy to oblige - what a superb night! She ate three ounces and drifted back off to sleep. At that point, I decided to pump for twenty minutes, and maybe, just maybe, take her back to her bassinet (always my plan, foiled by the convenience of sleeping on the couch). I strapped on my dual pump, and leaned back, only to wake up TWO HOURS LATER. I had literally been pumping for two hours. Needless to say, I had enough LG for quite a few feedings, and nipples* like rockets.

*I use the term "nipples" loosely, because really all I have are aureole with holes in them. (The reason for the pumping in the first place.)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Lovely Lady.

Mommy and Eleanor...

...taken by Daddy. This is basically the routine every morning, when we've finished a long night of crying, eating, pooping, and fussing. At around 5:30 am, we pass out.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

So, wait, you wanted posts?

Haha. Well, forgive if I shifted into overdrive. Anyway, when you look at Part Two (below), take note that those are four days before Part Three (also below). I think the changes in Sweet Eleanor are pretty obvious from one to the next!

The Great Cat.

Not my mom - my body guard!

I wish I was a little bit taller...

But at least I am big enough now to sit in my papasan without slumping down like a sack of flour. :o)

The Record!

Daddy broke his diaper changing record


For you! Part Three.

For you! Part Two.

For you! Part One.