Thursday, July 05, 2007

Pump up the Jam, Pump it........zzzzzz...

Last night was shaping up to be a relatively easy night. After eating at 11 PM, Eleanor decided she was hungry again at 12 AM. Fine, no big deal - we were both up. After eating at 12, Eleanor then slept until 3 AM!!! I kid you not - three hours. Although she slept on my chest, because of my own fear of vomiting/choking, and I woke myself up about every two-and-a-half minutes for the same reason, this was an excellent stretch of relaxation for us. At 3 AM, she woke up, ready to eat again. Excellent! I was more than happy to oblige - what a superb night! She ate three ounces and drifted back off to sleep. At that point, I decided to pump for twenty minutes, and maybe, just maybe, take her back to her bassinet (always my plan, foiled by the convenience of sleeping on the couch). I strapped on my dual pump, and leaned back, only to wake up TWO HOURS LATER. I had literally been pumping for two hours. Needless to say, I had enough LG for quite a few feedings, and nipples* like rockets.

*I use the term "nipples" loosely, because really all I have are aureole with holes in them. (The reason for the pumping in the first place.)


Lora said...

Too funny! Your body must think you are feeding quints!

Rachel said...

Wow! If you weren't sore from that you are my new hero. Keep up the great work. That beautiful little girl is so blessed to have you as her mother. I continue to pray for both of you. I'm praying for sleep, glorious sleep. :)

Charlotte : ) said...

Levi used to sing, "P-U-M-P" to the tune of 50 Cent's "P-I-M-P" to me every time I pumped after Connor was born.

To this day, when I hear that song (which is blessedly few and far between) my nipples hurt.

Jessie said...

I pumped with my second child and I know exactly what you are talking about. The lulling sound of eRRRR-rrrrr puts you to sleep every time (the pain killers didn't help either). I must say, I'm impressed you have any nipples left.
I promise it does get better and everyone is not lying to you (although when you are in the midst of it you feel like everyone is a liar). I will pray for baby Eleanor and that she'll be better for Mommy.

Anonymous said...

this story has me lmao. seriously. i just read it to dave. when abigail was in the NICU dave would wake me every two hours to pump and quite often i would find myself jerking awake after falling asleep in the chair ... a kitchen chair at that. left the camera at mrs. flester's so cannot e-mail pics to you yet ...soon. :)