Monday, May 25, 2009

Oh, the agony.

I just this minute, at 3:14 am, dumped out a 13 oz bottle of breast milk. It had been in my fridge, cooling before I was planning on freezing it. Then, I embarked a lovely busy weekend. So, just now I remembered it, and I thought maybe it would be ok. But, it had soured after a few days just sitting in there. I just bit my cheek and poured it down the drain. This is not the first time this has happened. But, 13 oz is quite a lot and, my goodness, it stings every time.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Taken by Laurie (mom to the delighful little girl below).

It's not like Josephine is interested in table food...

Phoenix Suns Mascot? No, it's Nor B.

Rehydration following Really Intense Running.

Birds galore.

Fox Hill Park

We went with the Criss Ladies to a park in Bowie - it was totally awesome. Lots of wildlife, and really cool play equipment that I can only describe as "space age."
Note: In case you are thinking, "Man, that little lady in the middle is lounging," let me tell you, Lila has actually been kicking it since birth.

I dare you to leave this room one more time.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hugging Time.

This is one I meant to post from the zoo. Such a funny little series.

Team Sophie.

Wow, I can't believe these have taken me so long to post, but I am catching up! We walked in the March for Babies (March of Dimes) again this year. It was awesome. It was different from last year, in that it was cold and rainy the whole time. But, it was the same, in that everyone came with happy hearts, no whining (despite really hideous weather), and lots of energy! Thank you so much to Aunt Maura for the "Team Sophie" crowns and T-shirts. We love you (& all of you!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Annie's Playground.

We took the Bayly Girls to Annie's Playground today. It is a gorgeous, sprawling, kid's paradise-style playground. (Yes, you should take your kids there.) It was created in memory of a little girl named Annie, who was killed by a drunk driver. It is sad and beautiful at the same time.

We had an amazing time - what a perfect way to celebrate Daddy's graduation from school!