Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve.

It is a weird morning. I am up and it is still pitch dark outside. But, it is almost seven am. I've been having rough nights, with a lot of anxiety, nightmares, and discomfort. (Hmm, surprise! I'm super pregnant and crazy anxious.) I am up now because I am trying to count kicks. I know Baby J. just needs some ice water and time to wake up. She's been such a healthy baby all along and we've been so well-doctored. So, anyway to take my mind off the waiting, here is a list of things I like and don't like. Just because, why not.

Like: Captchas that sound like real words. Like "afflep" would work well for me. Whereas, "mjtik" is really hard to understand.

Dislike: Perfume commercials. I mean, has anyone seen the new Britney Spears "Fantasies" commercial. It's demeaning, stupid, and sweaty.

Like: Bagels. I would eat them all day. My favorite? Hummus and lettuce on untoasted Old Bay.

Dislike: Caraway.

Like: Viva paper towels.


Haha, well that list sucks. So much so that I won't continue. Around the time I wrote "bagels," Baby J. woke up. I got distracted and the list went to the dogs.

Oh well.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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