Saturday, December 06, 2008

25 days.

Honestly, I am excited to have my Baby J. partly so that I can have my body back. I'll miss being pregnant with her, and I'd carry her forever if it meant she'd stay safe. But, since all babies must come out somehow, I might as well enjoy one of the bonuses - my own personage. I have been pretty spry this pregnancy and overall doing very little grumbling (don't ask Bill about that though). But when we got come from "meeting Santa" tonight, I was crampy all over. I am lucky enough to be without the heartburn of both previous pregnancies or the hip pain of my pregnancy with Sophie. But, my whole stomach is just aching by the end of the day. I know the impending c-section will cut my remaining muscles in two, but to think that someday I'll be able to go from laying to sitting or sitting to standing is amazing in itself! And, the fact that I'll get to do that and (all our hopes) meet Baby J. - double bonus!

Keep it up, Baby J.!

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