Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Man, I blog a lot.

But, the whole pumping thing insures quite a bit of screen time. So, here are two thoughts.

1) Blogging has changed my life. I actually wrote about this in the personal essay of my graduate application. In the deepest, darkest parts of my life, writing to you was my hope and my outlet. My blog gave life to my sorrow, and allowed me to grieve fully - and move away from that grief. Also, when my nagging old enemy, self-doubt, comes to call, I can own it. If I write about it, even if the doubt exists, my ability to put it into words gives me something of which to be proud.

2) I have decided, even though I am not Catholic, on what I might give up for Lent. I am not 100% on this, but I am thinking of giving up reading that specific blog I mentioned in my previous posts. I just can't vibe with this woman's take on marriage. And, I think her cultish following is a little creepy. Don't get me wrong, I totally LOVE getting comments or hearing that people read this blog. But, I don't want complete strangers trying to jump in on my family vacations (let alone would I plan such a thing, as this blogger is doing (that totally gives her blog away, if you've read today's post)). Why do I read her blog in the first place? I think I am a little jealous, and that is a terrible reason to do anything. And, I've mentioned before that I am a bit of a voyeur (that also stings a bit to admit).

Anyway, that's all random, as my posts have been lately. I REALLY need to go to bed. Good night...until I inevitably post three hours from now.


melissa said...

(okay, because i am slightly voyeristic (i didn't even spell that right and i really could care less! lol) myself - please tell me what this blog is and where i can locate it.)

ps. word verification: docit. loving it.

M said...

I wanna know. Tell us.

Myself said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. I started reading Mckmama (oops, gave it away) because she was interesting, in that cultish, holier-than-thou crazy Christian kind of way, but lately she just gotten so commercial. She's not the funky cool earthy alternative to the everyday mom she used to be... I really should have thought this through better before trying to vocalize it. It's something I've been wanting to say for a while. And now I'm just rambling. Damn seasonal allergies.

Now back to your regularly scheduled progamming...without the disorganized crazy.