Thursday, January 08, 2009

I am *not Catholic*...

...but I sure feel guilty. Mommy guilt, I mean. I have been so lucky to have family who has been happy to come this week and help me. It is so much appreciated as I bond with Baby Josephine, have marathon feeding sessions, and even take the occasional nap. But, with all I've been doing, there is one thing I haven't had much of - Eleanor time. I am feeling this tremendous weight of guilt. I know I love Eleanor as much as ever (an amount immeasurable), but I am afraid she feels a void between us as I have taken so much time to care for Baby Josephine. But, Bill, Eleanor, and I had a long dance session tonight to the new Tracy Chapman (thanks, Aunt Maura!) and it was by far one of the most wonderful moments of my week. I just can't believe how much I have missed my sweet Tot. Here's to feeling better and getting acclimated to giving all my girls the love and time they need.

*I am the most Catholic un-Catholic you've ever met. I went to Catholic school, taught at Catholic school, am married to a Catholic, have two estranged Catholics for parents, have Catholic children, and am a member of a Catholic church.

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