Saturday, May 12, 2007

Dust on her hands.

The lifespan of butterflies -
lamentably brief.
Her wings, laid to rest -
Nature's heart breaks with grief.
Her heart ceased to beat -
another proves torn.
The crimson flight dust -
washed clean by the storm.
The sight of arms, legs and wings -
soft and finally fold.
She rests gently in hands -
she, heavy hearts hold.

(dedicated to Christine, who lost her baby on May 10, 2007
- and to all mothers.)


Lora said...

Much love to Christine and any other mother who can relate to this poem firsthand. It is beautiful written

M said...

Love and prayers to your friend and her little one. Your poem is just beautiful.

Happy Mother's Day Lil' C.

Leslie said...

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

How heartbreaking for Christine. I couldn't even begin to fathom the pain she is feeling. Many thoughts and prayers are with her (and they're also with you).

Lora said...

How is Bayby this week? Tell her Mommy to write :)