Saturday, February 24, 2007

Some words and snippets of phrases that always catch me off guard.

" funny..."
" f-ing..."
" freaking..."
" fine..."
" far..."
" festive..."

Some of these come up more often than others. (The first three, for example, multiple times a day. "So fine", on the other hand, not really in my daily vernacular. :o) But, each time these phrases pop from mouths (others' or sometimes my own), I take about a millisecond to readjust. And, in other cases, as I walk by a conversation at work, I hear these words uttered, in ways that couldn't be less related to me, and I do an entirely inappropriate double take. I know these are extremely common combinations of words. But, it will take me forever to assimilate myself to hearing these syllables combined in such benign ways.

1 comment:

Lora said...

This is such an interesting point and it took me a few minutes to figure out why these seemingly benign syllables had any impact on you. When I figured it it out,I felt like such a goof for not getting it right away. Your life has forever been altered and it goes to follow that any pregnany would be different as well.

As a mom, I can tell you that the worry doesn't go away, it just changes. As someone who has never walked through what you have, I pray that the future provides some relief.