Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I have two daughters...

...both of whom I love.
...neither of whom I can see.
...both of whom I can speak to.
...neither of whom speak back.
...both of whom are beautiful in my mind.
...neither of whom I can hold. of whom is warm. of whom is in heaven. of whom has infinite promise. of whom is preserved in still framed perfection. of whom I pray has the chance to be imperfect.
...both of whom I think of with each passing moment.


Charlotte : ) said...

I am so glad only Levi is with me. Because you know how I am about crying in front of people.

You are a wonderful mommy. Your girls are so blessed.

Leslie said...

Ok, I'm reduced to tears. I just....I just couldn't imagine. I just couldn't imagine.

Charlotte is right. You have been an outstanding mommy to Sophie, and you will be an outstanding mom to her sister.