Tuesday, June 23, 2009

(Belated) Two Year Check Up.

Eleanor had her two year check up yesterday. It was awesome! She is still tiny, but has settled comfortably onto the 25th percentile for weight and 65th (or so) for height. She weighed in at 24 lbs 4 oz, and was 34.5 inches tall. The doctor said that meant she was right on track! I was very pleased. :o)

As for her development, of course she's a genius. Haha. But really.

Ever since the dog bite and the subsequent traumatic hospital experiences, Eleanor has been scared of the doctor's office. Not so scared that it's unmanageable. But, scared. So, as I was unloading the girls from the car, Eleanor saw her blue shovel. I told her, "Oh, Eleanor, you should take that in and show it to the doctor. You can let the doctor touch your shovel." And, the whole time, we were practicing. She would say "Doctor, touch it. My shovel. My shovel, doctor. Touch it." When the doctor came in, Eleanor started to get worried and began to cry a little, and I said, "But, wait Eleanor! Don't you have something to show the doctor?"

This little lady held up one finger, looked around, picked up the shovel and defied my wildest, most exhibitionist dreams. She proclaimed, "Oh, my shovel! Doctor, touch my BLUE shovel!" It was serendipity. I did a secret little fist pump for her show of two year old genius.

Anyway, good day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's a terrific kid, with courage and moxie. And she's got a terrific mother, who recognizes her feelings and encourages her to work on how to manage them well and have "agency" on her own behalf! Good for both of you!
Your anonymous commenter...