Friday, March 20, 2009

Pump table.

So, quick thought at 3:34. I am considering designing a pump table for night pumps. It is like a massage table that has the hole for the face. But, there is a hole for each breast. They are free to pump away and I am free to sleep without my face on the keyboard.


Myself said...

I'd buy that.

But it is after 5:30 in the morning...I'd buy anything.

And, as of now, don't require a breast pump.

But I'd still buy it. You know, if I needed it...

Jessica said...

Congrats on the acceptance letter love!

M said...

You need a kitchen timer. Here is what you do... Keep the pump w/i arms reach of the bed. Wake up, put needed pillows behind you so you are sitting up just enough but still laying down, attach pump, set timer for desired time, pass out. When the timer goes off, disconnect, cap milk, stick in cooler (also w/i reach), pass out.
You will get to the point that you wake up in the morning and can't remember if you actually pumped until you look in the little cooler. Trust me, you can easily sleep through pumping.

melissa said...

wow. "M" has it down. i'd totally do that.