Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Horn Lurker.

I like when I randomly check out "yahoo answers" for questions about pumping and ladies are referring to the flange piece of the pump as the "horn." I really like that. Very regal. Horn.

I do not like the idea that when I read random blogs and worse yet comment, I am forced to identify myself as a "lurker." I really do not like that. Very creepy. Lurker.


Myself said...
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Myself said...

All the coolest kids are internet stalkers.

Wear the trenchcoat-fedora-sunglasses-at-night-in-80-degree-weather ensemble with pride.

(sorry, totally left out the ensemble part earlier. Tried to be slick and just delete the comment, edit it, and replace, buuuuuuuut Blogger prefers public humiliation. Shame on you, Blogger. Okay, that's it, I'm really don't now.)

Myself said...

Done, I meant done.

In other news, have you seen my brain?