Saturday, January 10, 2009

My how things change.

We need to talk about my fashion. When the lactation consultant agreed to come over yesterday*, I was wearing seven year old American Eagle warm-up pants, equally-ancient green socks, and a March of Dimes hooded sweatshirt. (For the second day in a row.) I knew I wanted to look at least reasonably presentable, as a stranger was coming into my house. By the way, I am not an idiot and I do know that an LC sees new moms and their boobs all the time, so really who could care less what I am wearing. But, nonetheless, I rooted through my drawers to find something loose-fitting, but moderately attractive. And, what I chose might surprise you. Of all the terrible clothes I have, I chose the worst. The original Old Navy Millennium long sleeved yellow tee. It is huge, threadbare and an "original Old Nave Millennium long sleeved yellow tee." (In case anyone isn't thinking, that means it is NINE years old, unlike the thousands of other items of O.N. clothing I own.) And, when I put it on, I went to the bathroom to look at the mirror and I actually thought approvingly, "Now that's better." Better? What could be worse? I guess my Sons of Italy t-shirt. Or my puffy paint t-shirt from eighth grade that just says "Cool" on the front. Those would be, I suppose, equally bad. But, the fact that three pathetic examples of my real life clothing popped immediately into my head is terrifying. I'd like to blame this all on having a baby 10 days ago, but that would be unfair to the baby. My pitiful wardrobe is entirely of my own doing. So, I guess I am hoping someone will nominate me for What Not to Wear or just talk me into spending some money on clothes, because I am a painful sight, all flabby, dressed in ill-fitting athletic wear (ha), and covered in vom and breastmilk. Glorious.

*I won't go into how it went, because I can't tell if I'm more or less stressed now about nursing. Put it this way, Josephine is getting all breastmilk and lots of mommy time.


Rachel said...

I'm just totally impressed that you have clothing that old. I have very few articles of clothing that are older than my children--mostly because I was an entirely different size before becoming a mommy and also because when we moved to the other side of the world I got rid of A LOT! I would have liked to have been able keep a few more old favorites than I did.

Still praying for much nursing success!

Lora said...

I feel ya, sister! I told Devin I was sad I didn't have money for the Childrens Place sale this week and he was like "um, you should probably start buying more clothes for yourself...." - lol

Leslie said...

I'm crossing my fingers for your nursing success, too! I hope you aren't stressed about using a nipple shield. I was able to breastfeed for two months, and Sam used one the entire time.

(By the way, you shouldn't have to be talked into buying clothes for yourself!! You just grew and gave birth to a human being. I say you buy whatever you want)!