Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Oh, how they change.

Ok, I promise, just one more post from me for today.  I've been a little out of control with the posts lately.

But, I was just looking back at my posts from the summer.  The things I thought were so unbelievable or even unthinkable then now seem so commonplace.  How bizarre?

I thought Josephine was so big.  I thought she was the "big" one and Eleanor was the "little" one.  And, at that point there were 7 lbs between them.  Now, the gap in size (and style of play) is so rapidly closing.  By this upcoming summer, they will both be real, serious, all-business kids.

Josephine has wild curls and absolutley no interest in books (as I speculated back in the summer that she would) or tv.  She likes the iPhone, dancing, puzzles, scarves, food, plugs (ahem), and rearranging all the kitchen chairs in two minutes flat.

The biggest thing was my post from Eleanor's two-year check up.  Something about "Doctor, touch my blue shovel."  I was so proud on that day of my little spark.  But, now, just a few months later, that seems so elementary.  Now it would be more like,  "I want to talk to the doctor.  Oh, yeah, umm, it is a blue shovel.   It matches the wall!  I need a sticker on my shirt -- ok, yes mommy, I want a sticker on my shirt.  Is Jojo getting a shot?  I want to see Jojo get a shot.  I need the doctor!  Oh, this sticker has Dora on it.  I want to watch Wiz-Oz.  I want to read about horses.  Blue what?"

I just can't believe how big they are getting...Oh my.

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