Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's been this kind of day.

E:  I'm NOT happy!  I'm so ANGRY!

CAGB: Why, Eleanor?

E: Jojo hurt my FEELINGS!  She HURT my HEART!  She said I'm BAD!  She not listen a ME! 

J: BAD!  BAD!  (Thrusts socks into the air triumphantly.)

E:  NO!  I'm ANGRY!  I NOT WANT ONE OF YOUR PBJs!  I HAVE TUNA FISH! (Dashes socks to the ground.)

J:  BAD!  BAD!

E: I tell Jojo to NOT open these doors.  You open the doors.  You mess up the puzzle pieces.  You pull out the wipes!  I'm ANGRY at these fancy clothes!  I WILL GRAB YOUR FACE!

CAGB:  Eleanor.  You must absolutely not touch her skull like that.


J: HI!

E:  You may NOT go to the mall!  Your FATHER will take you to your new HOUSE!  Oh my GOSH...


melissa said...

LOL!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to be able to post the conversations between my children. :)

thestark said...

I got a kick out of this one.

"You stinker stinker!"
