Sunday, March 18, 2007

Good friend. Safe Place.

A friend-of-a-friend sent me a message, asking if the baby "had been kicking, letting me know she wanted out". This, of course, set off a chain reaction of thoughts in my impulsive brain. (ex. Baby-kicking-getting-out-womb-induction-now-asap.) And, I suddenly had a realization. And, I made the decision to start thinking of my womb as a safe place again. For too long - this entire pregnancy - I have been so afraid...

Another real friend, one of my best friends, sent me a long message the other day, concerned for me, wanting to make sure I could put blaming my self, my body, for Sophie's loss aside. And, at first, I felt upset and shocked (and I admit now, defensive), sure that this is exactly how I should be feeling. To a certain extent, I was right. I should be vigilant, cautious, even anxious. But, as this same friend has been telling me throughout my pregnancy, I should be absorbing every moment. And, how can I do that as long as I am writing blogs about, and even sometimes believing, that my womb must surely be a danger zone. Our new beautiful baby has a special bond with her sister right now, that she won't have when June comes. They share a literal dwelling place. They have that thing in common that no one else has ever had. And, wouldn't it be nicer to think that they have both been in the place where they have known they are loved, warm and wanted?

I don't know how to do it, yet. Maybe meditation, visualization, but probably just more quiet moments when I put away fear and let myself feel my girls' presences. Maybe let myself enjoy life a little more as I prepare for this baby. This won't take away the sadness, but it surely would be nice to come to love Sophie, and perfect Bayby sister, with a lighter heart.

Thank you, good friend. You are right. We all have to learn to live with pain. It just so happens this is mine, but it is not perfect new Bayby lavender-sea-turtle-music's.


Charlotte : ) said...

: )

Lora said...

Whoa! Those pictures are AMAZING! Cat, you're so pretty!

I had commented on your mid-march post, but don't know if I ever hit "send" or not. I don't want to be one of those people that says the wrong thing inadvertantly. I have a strong penchant for assvice and I'm trying to work on it :)

I'm glad that you have a friend that can help you change your perspective. I think that regarding your womb as a safe place is a wonderful idea! I'm glad that you are trying not to let fear rob you from this experience. Bayby deserves a chance to be enjoyed and looked forward to. I can't imagine how scary it must be to allow some of that joy in while pushing the fear out, but I hope that you find a way.

Leslie said...

Good friend is so very right. Your womb is a safe haven and the best place for Bayby. I love the thought that she and Sophie both shared that space. That's absolutely beautiful to think about.

I hope you are able to find some peace throughout the rest of your pregnancy. You deserve it.

Holy cow, those pictures are beautiful. You are radiant!

Anonymous said...

brought a couple tears to my eyes ... i agree - the thought that she and sophie sharing the same space is a nice one. try to enjoy this the best you can ...

Lora said...

I miss your posts! How are thing going?