Monday, March 05, 2007

I've got luck...

I have tons of luck. More luck than most people can handle in one lifetime. But, the problem with that? Luck comes in two very distinct varieties. There is the elusive and ever-pleasant "good luck", which we all hope will grace us with its presence every so often. And, then there is her evil and infamous twin, "bad luck". Here are some scattered examples:

Win computer (good)
Get pregnant (good)
Death of child (very bad, maybe beyond bad)
Plan beautiful wedding (good)
Rains (bad)
Stops raining (good)
Win printer (good)
Get sued for bogus accident (bad)
Get pregnant again on first try (very good)
Win raffle worth close to $200 (good)
Have purse stolen from car in driveway (bad)

Hmm, yes that is right. My purse was stolen from my car, parked in my driveway, this past weekend. That is a bold and infuriating move...

1 comment:

Leslie said...

UGH! I am so sorry about your purse. How infuriating!