This bullshit about socialism drives me fucking bananas (probably because I am a Humanist - gasp). So fucking egocentric. I like my healthcare, too. I fucking like it. I'll probably even keep it. But, by God, if I have to change it so my neighbors can be insured, too, you bet your ass I will. Get over yourselves. Waaah...get with the program - politics aside, everyone deserves medical care, and our world will be better for it. Kiss my ass.
Feel free to disagree. I don't care. I don't even care that much to ever talk about this again. I just got caught up in some egomaniacal shit on my aforementioned nemesis megablog. And, I stooped to a whole new low...I commented. On said megablog. For the first time ever. I hate myself almost as much as I hated this post.
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YOU GO GIRL!!!! I read your blog and then I read hers too to be fair. The nemesis is a greedy, ignorant pig. An idiot. It's that simple. I think it is audacious that this woman claims to be a Christian would be so selfish minded. Her analogy with chicken and socialism just demonstrates her ignorance, because coming from someone who has worked in the food service industry for awhile, she should have TOTALLY 100% percent called ahead for the chicken. But people like that only think about themselves, I guess.
I'd love to know what you posted in response. :)
What do you expect from a woman who names herself and her children after the most disgusting inedible faux food on earth?
She actually says in the comments "We love Glenn Beck!" I didn't know people actually felt that way. I thought his show was on the air because people liked watching a train wreck. Who knew?
I read your comments and I must say you are awesome!
And who walks into a grocery store to get dinner for 15 people w/o thinking about it ahead of time? The reason they didn't want to give her all the chicken is because customers would be disappointed and NOT come back by the store the next time they wanted chicken. They would lose current AND future sales. A normal person would have a called ahead.... but thinking about others is clearly a skill she lacks.
WOW, all I have to say is... Helen..WHOA!
Love. Love. Love.
Two things:
1) I am 99% certain that, after actual forces of nature: water, fire, wind, etc., that the most powerful thing on earth is unexamined privilege. It literally runs the world. Unsurprisingly, she does not seem to get that her entire rant can be boiled down to: I haz the moniez! So I deserve anything I want and poor people are selfish to try to get it from me.
2) Fried chicken? Fried chicken?
Does she really think that:
a) by being a white woman of significant means, retelling an experience wherein a group of people worked together to try to take her FRIED FUCKING CHICKEN from her and then
b) connecting it to "socialism" (which is a huge, transparently racially charged pejorative coming from most right-wing conservatives and Tea Party subscribers)
c) because poor people don't want to, you know, DIE for lack of funds and how
d) super duper irritating that is to her, (because, naturally, she cannot conceive of actually having institutionalized oppression stacked against her and thinks that people should just pick themselves up by the bootstraps like Gov. Sarah or something, for heck's sake!)
in a manner so simultaneously seamless and incoherent that it would make Glenn Beck weep with pride that she's managed to veil her horrifyingly racist overtones? I mean, to her credit, she didn't call anyone uppity, but Jesus Christ... Actually, speaking of him, would she know recognize him if he showed up at her door asking her to call her congressperson to encourage ALLOWING PEOPLE ACCESS TO LIFESAVING MEDICATION?
Socialism = Fried Chicken. I mean, I'm still looking behind the back of my chair for the back of my head, because that shit blew it off.
Cat. You know how I feel about all caps. You know. And look at how many times I had to bust them out. No wonder she supports capitalism with such fervor. The only people I've ever seen who are so skilled at pressing buttons to make money are other right-wing, capitalist, conservatives.
At it's best, flawed bootstrap logic. At it's worst, eugenics.
Oh, and Melissa, if you look at the comments, I am on the second page or so, under CAGB. I admit, I argued with some people on there before I cut myself off (from ever commenting again).
Oh, and luckily, I was a smidge more eloquent and diplomatic (aka, did not say fuck) on my comment.
I totally approve this blog post.
found them. loved them. and i'll say that you were more than just a "smidge more eloquent".
i used to read her blog for the train wreck factor, and for a brief period i *almost* enjoyed it. lately i just can't even stomach her.
now, i make no secret about considering myself to be libertarian, and abhor big government in a huge way, but i'm also not for just leaving the poor in the gutters. everyone does deserve medical care, but i'm also not sure the way to go about it is to have it mandated by the government. the government is already all up in our beeswax as it is, i just don't think i want them there any more than they need to be. but, i also spend much of my time like an ostrich with my head in the sand when it comes to the majority of politics, so i could possibly be talking out of my ass.
Melissa - I can appreciate your viewpoint. And, I can laugh at myself a little bit for being a self-described "bleeding heart liberal." But, the MckMama post and the comments that followed were just so ignorant and entitled. She drives me bananas - and that makes me so angry!
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