Sunday, April 18, 2010

Outhouse Fever.

So, Bill has been replacing our tub. Our only tub. For forever two weeks. So, that's meant sink baths for the kids, and for us showers at either my mom's (45 minutes away) or our neighbors (45 seconds away). Very kind, but either way, we've felt intrusive and frustrated. On the upside, though, I did learn something: Eleanor is not too big for a sink bath. And, do you know how I knew for sure? Do you want the reasonable-but-made-up-boring-explanation or the truth? We'll start with the reasonable-but-made-up-boring-explanation: Eleanor has had a lot of sink baths, so I just know. Now, for the truth: Fifteen minutes ago, I, CAGB, took a sink bath. And, in the spirit of full-disclosure, here's the proof:
Now, have you regained composure? Begun breathing again? Good. Now, rewind to last night. It had been a completely insane day, during which I'd taken the girlies out so Bill could work on the bathroom. When we got home, and Bill decided he could take a break. We got a little bit crazy:
And, then something crazy happened. We did miss our chance to win America's Funniest Home Video. When Bill did this dance...

...and, in his frenzy, punched the giant glass bulb on the ceiling fan. The glass shattered with glorious clamour, and rained down on our family. All we could do was laugh at this...


Charlotte : ) said...

Engine Engine Number 9, on the New York Transit Line, if my train jumps off the track? Pick it up, Pick it Up, Pick it UP! Back on the scene, crispy and clean, you can try but don't, why? Cause you can't intervene!

A) One of my top ten jams of all time.

B) Now I will never, ever, disassociate that song from Billiam's dance-o-rama.

C) This song is one the biggest offenders in the history of ever for furthering the use of "phat" as a legit adjective for more years than I care to admit.

D) "Out to rock the globe, while it's still here to rock. Don't punch girls, and we don't punch a clock." Pure poetry.

melissa said...

i'm thinking a family dinner followed directly with a family dancepartay is in order. although, the likeliness that Dave will sit back, not dance, and stare in horror is about 100%.