...but here is the full length version.
Eleanor and I baked molasses cookies today. I know, you are shocked - me? Bake cookies? For the fourth day out of the last seven. Haha.
Anyway, the minute I say, "Eleanor, would you like to ba - " she is already dragging a chair from the kitchen table to the counter. It's adorable and a lot of fun. We have a whole routine. I use the margarine. She eats it straight. I add the sugar. She eats that, too. She pours in the egg replacer. When we turn on the mixer, she is required to put both hands up in the air, like a caught bandit. That means I know she won't sneak a greedy paw into the mixer and, say, lose a finger. And you know she would. Anyway, so we are pretty safe, with the exception of one fall from the chair with minimal damage done.
But, when the cookies are on the tray in the oven, the moment has come to end Eleanor's special time on the chair. And that is always a trial. I ask her to get down. She says "No." I tell her I will be getting her down. She says "No." I take her down and she kicks her kamikaze legs and throws herself around limbs akimbo like the floor is covered with snakes and razors.
So this time I decided to avoid the whole scene and gave her her favorite blue scraper with molasses cookie dough on it, told her it was time to get down and plucked her off the chair. Needless to say, she did not notice I had set her on the floor because she was so enchanted by her 12th helping of batter.
While she was so engaged, I thought I'd put the finishing touches on the cookies (aka, try to smooth the tiny finger prints off of them), and straighten up the counter. All the while, Josephine was "maxing and relaxing" in her baby seat and Eleanor was eating dough (or so I thought). After a few moments, I turned around and saw what was at first a horrifying sight...my newborn baby eating cookie dough. And it was no hallucination, Eleanor fed Josephine her first taste of solid food and it was molasses cookie dough. And not a shabby portion I might add. Josephine took to cookie dough like any intelligent person - with fervor. She was licking and biting the scraper like she'd been waiting for this moment since birth. Eleanor was thrilled with herself, needless to say.
I did swoop in and snatch the scraper no longer so full of dough. And of course this is not how I imagined Josephine's first taste of solids. But here are some mitigating factors:
Molasses cookie dough is very smooth. There was no need to finger sweep or take any action at all.
Eleanor was quite nice to share.
Josephine was delighted.
This is a great story to tell the girls as they grow up.
PS. My "diet" (as in eating like a normal person starts right now). I need to get myself under control. I do not need 9 cookies. Not joking.
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this is hilarious. too bad you weren't able to get pictures. (not that it was a possibility at all, but imagine if you could have...)
OMG, I love this story. I thought I might pee my pants. At least she was sweet enough to share with her baby sister:)
Thanks to the email I found your blog again! This is a fantastic story. I'm so glad the girls get along at such a young age. And I cannot think of a better first food to eat.
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