Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Four months!

Well, Miss Josephine had her four month check up on Tuesday. That seems so amazing to me. It's as if she's been here forever, and four months actually just seems kind of arbitrary. But, to think her next check up will br six months, putting her "big baby" territory is crazy!

The appointment, itself, went about as I'd expected. She was a hair under 16 lbs - which put her in the 90th percentile! I did, of course, know that she is a big girl. It is made extra fun by the fact that she is in the 50th percentile for height, at a hair over two feet tall! (That means that she looks even chubbier than she is!) And, her head is the 75th percentile. (I didn't catch the measurement.)

She definitely flashed the doctor her winning smile! (Which I know I need to post more of on here!)

The pediatrician (unlike the doctor we saw at Eleanor's four month) suggested we hold off on solids. She said that the AAP is now firmly recommending exclusive breastmilk for the first six months (although she wasn't adamant about waiting that long). So, we'll take it one day at a time and see how (much more) "into" table food she becomes.

Pictures later!

1 comment:

Amy said...

She is so cute. Four months goes by really fast. Glad to see you and the girls are doing well:)