Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Love You Mommy.

Eleanor hates when I talk on the phone. Or read the newspaper. Or use the computer. Anything that she can't participate in and that takes my attention away from her. She really likes that attention that she's used to. Although she generally dislikes affection, she's been a bit more "into" me lately. (I was the same as a kid - attention, please - affection, no thanks.)

This morning, I was chatting on the phone and she was hanging on my pants screaming for attention. Then, I looked down and she was holding up a book, begging me to "Read. Book. Please. Heart. Momma." I picked up the book, and as I continued to gab, showed her the pictures. I didn't register the book we were looking at and I admit at the time I didn't much care. I was "busy."

Many hours later, while the chickies were napping, I was cleaning up the morning's wreckage. On the floor, where we'd been at that time, was the little golden book, "I Love You Mommy." My heart just broke. Sometimes I need these little reminders of how lucky I am. Now, those very same tofu nuggets are waking up. So we're going to have a special afternoon making soup and cookies.


Holly said...

I think this is a post everybody ought to read. I hope you enjoyed your afternoon. :)

Lora said...

God, I know this feeling! Its hard being a mother AND a woman, one who needs her own time and space to do things she likes to do. Don't beat yourself up :)

Oh and I'm lovin the easter pics! Some are crackin' me up! Your girls are gorgeous, like their mama!