Monday, November 24, 2008


...since the day Sophie was born. In those years following, I have seen so many blogs of so many families to lose sweet babies. And, today, I am wishing that I had some beautiful pictures of our family. A person never has the opportunity (thank goodness, I suppose) to offer advice to brand new mommies to angel babies. And, I hope that no one who reads this ever needs to take this advice. But, if ever you are faced with seeing your baby just once, call a photographer. I think, if I could choose just one thing in my life to do differently (and I couldn't choose saving Sophie), I would choose to save her in pictures. The faded shots we have just aren't enough. Neither is the picture I try to paint with words. And, I know nothing could ever be enough. But, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for the longing.


Lora said...

Hugs, babe. I know your little girls have an awesome big sister to guide them in their hearts.

M said...

It is such a shame that every hospital, OB & L/D nurse doesn't know about Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. They provide such a wonderful service.

Hold tight to those photos, Lil'C. Love & prayers to you.