Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Tracy Chapman always says it best. Always...

She was the only one
of my flesh and blood
now I have no calling
I can do no wordly good
I sit silent
I sit all mourning
I sit listless all the day
I've mostly lost the voice to speak
and any words to say except
does heaven have enough angels yet?
I've gone hard
and I've gone cold
I can't make the pieces
of this cracked life fit
please forgive me
for wanting to know
does heaven have enough angels yet?
Together oh together
no there'll be no more of that
but I would not dare for myself to ask
does heaven have enough angels yet?
She was the only one
of my own flesh and blood
sometimes I hear her calling
straight from the house of god

Wow. Tracy Chapman rocks. And my blog is downer.


Lora said...

Oh my gosh, is that a heartwrenching song! Your blog is real and you should be proud of that. I think you probably have a lot of readers who don't comment because its a hard thing to comment about. It's easy to run out of words for a situation that is too painful to even imagine.

I do cry when I read your blog. I cry for your loss, I cry for your daughter, I cry for your husband. I cry because Lily has the same carseat as Sophie. I cry because I wish no one would have to ever experience what you have. And I cry because you are a stranger, so my words probably lack comfort to you.

Please keep writing. You have an amazing gift in that you can share such deep honesty in such a beautiful way. Thanks for sharing.

M said...

I *heart* Tracey Chapman too!

Your blog is not a downer, it is so very real. Those privy to this blog are lucky.

Leslie said...

Please don't think your blog is a downer. I love reading your blog! I love it how you are willing to share so many candid and private thoughts.

I just have NO IDEA what to say sometimes. I just....I just couldn't imagine. It's too horrible to even comprehend.

I am amazed and humbled by your strength and courage every time I read one of your posts.