Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Few (Very) Random Thoughts.

I have been really busy.

I was looking back at posts from when Eleanor was close to Jo's current age.  And, man, they really are/were different.  There are pictures of 12 month old Eleanor READING.  Like, a book. Not remarkable, sure.  She reads all day.  But, ha, the thought of Josephine sitting for a book.  Simply doesn't happen.  Even when she brings a book, and begs me to "read," she will sit for the first page or two before she yanks it from my hands and uses it for a hat or baton or something.

I love the discussions in our house about straight and curly hair.  It has been really funny.  Because, while E and J are very similarly complected, Jo requires some special treatment.  Her skin gets dryer.  She is more prone to rashes.  She burns in the sun.  And, most notably, she has a head of short, unruly, wild curls.  And, they require special "curly girl hair creme."  This is infuriating to Eleanor, even though she has her own "fancy lady straight hair creme."  It is simply not the same. 

We (E and I) discussed plans for Eleanor's birthday party today.  She told me that her goal is that "Everyone will eat my cake.  And, I will share pieces.  And, that will be a good idea.  It will be okay.  On June 7th."  She is completely obsessed with the approach of June 7th.  And, talks about it constantly.  "My birthday is in June.  June 7th.  We will wear pink and fuschia."

In case you thought you missed something, you didn't.  Josephine still.  Won't.  Walk.  I mean, she is nearly 15 months old.  WTF?  I would be starting to worry, if she wasn't actually freakishly athletic.  She can climb on, off, out, in, around, over, the couch, picnic table, toilet, tub, bed, kitchen table, piano, toy chest, play structures at the park, coffee table, etc.  I simply do not understand.  She walks upright on her knees.  She crawls super fast.  She cruises.  She takes up to five steps at a time.  She'll walk holding my hand, sometimes, but when she realizes I'm tricking her, she bucks backward and screams like a lunatic.  I do not know what to do with her.  I can't take her ANYWHERE.  That is the only problem.  I mean, who wants their kid crawling at Target? Not I.  And, sure, she rides in the cart, but she hates sitting more than she hates walking.  She just wants to crawl zippily around.  Everywhere.  Gross.

I guess she is focusing more on talking.  Because, although I am done making lists of words, she is talking like a lunatic. 

We have a house of questions.  Eleanor: "Why_________?" about everything.  Josephine "Wha's this?" about everything.  It's kind of awesome.

While I was looking away (probably getting Josephine out of the toilet or off the grill), Eleanor has grown.  On my scale today, she weighed almost 28 lbs.  Ok, I know, you what you are thinking.  Umm, that is tiny.  But, I've been going around town telling people she weighs 25 lbs.  Now, that's a big difference.  (Ha.)

And, while we're talking about size, I'd put Jo at about 24 lbs - maybe more.  She is a gigantadon.

Something more coherent coming sooner or later.

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