Monday, March 08, 2010

Eleanor Update.

Even though I post plenty of her funny moments, I've been pretty slack with the Eleanor updates lately.  I guess becausee there are no real milestones to keep record of.  But, here are the things going on in Eleanor's world.

She occasionally insists on being called E.  Sometimes Ella Bella.  Sometimes Angelina. 
She loves all things princess. 
She talks incessantly about her friends.
She uses words like "clever," "darling," "magic," "delicious," "devious," and "sparkling."
She loves pink and fuschia.  They are "[her] colors."
She calls her cow "Cowwy Boy."
She likes to tease, and we are trying to work on doing that in appropriate situations.  (As in, appropriate:  Mo-ommy, you look so si-llly."  Inappropriate: "Abiga-aaail, I have a baby and you do-on't.")
She likes to narrate.  Again, we are trying to make sure that's done with a good heart. (As in, helpful: "Mommy, Josephine ate all her blueberries! Her need more!"  Not as helpful, "Her pooped! Her needs her diaper changed." While hovering over a diaper being already being changed.)
She likes to dance, read, run, spin, slide, jump. 
She is coming out of the tantrum phase quite nicely. 
She is friendly almost all the time.
She likes cutting paper with "lizzors."
She is still tiny in size, and big in spirit!

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