Wednesday, December 23, 2009

One week and One Day from being One Year.

I think this will basically be an list-style ode to Josephine. 

Likes to eat.
Dislikes large crowds.
Likes smiling.
Dislikes being the center of attention.
Likes playing alone.
Dislikes sitting still to read books.
Likes bathtimes.
Dislikes being left alone in a room.
Likes air conditioning vents.
Dislikes being told "no."
Likes dancing.
Dislikes being strapped into seats.
Likes exploring on her own.
Dislikes being over-tired.
Likes alone time with mommy.
Dislikes being left out.
Likes being treated like a big girl.
Dislikes dislikes dislikes getting dressed.
Likes wrestling.
Dislikes dislikes dislikes having her diaper changed.
Likes kissing.
Dislikes being cold.
Likes drinking from an open cup.
Dislikes watching TV.

Other things.  Josephine says: "Momma," "Daddy," "LambyLamby," "Kiss," "Me," "Yes," "Dance," "Hi," "Byebye," "Baby," "Geegee," "Mimi," "Bottle," "Fish," "Shoes," "Bath," "Tree," and "Book."

She crawls, cruises, and stands for a few moments unassisted, but shows no interest in walking.

As you can see from my list, she will not stay still for anything.  Books, tv, dressing, diapers, lotion, nothing.

She really does not like being ignored, but would rather that than be center of attention.

Anyway, those are some items about her, but overall her personality is loving, laid back, personable, and independent.

She is perfect.

1 comment:

Charlotte : ) said...

Um. Your list of words does not give her enough credit. She can also say "Eleanor" *and* "Lila" *and* some variation of "cheese." I know what I heard.

The child is a genius. I love her. : )