Tuesday, September 08, 2009

This Morning.

So, I am sitting here on the computer, in my wonderful warm bed, drinking a nice tall cup of instant coffee. Eeeek. Instant coffee? Don't ask.

The monitor is on, and both girls are awake in their beds. I know I should get them at some point, but they are playing so nicely and my bed is so comfortable. One of my favorite things to do is to listen to them over the monitor. Here are the things I've heard so far:

Eleanor beat boxing. (Her new thing is to say "Dubba dubba dubba, dub dub dub, ba ba ba, Dubba dubba dubba dubba Duh duh duh. It's really fast and really funny.)

Josephine trying to pull up, falling and getting frustrated. (Not so funny in the traditional sense.)

Josephine coughs. Eleanor replies, "Baby, you ok? Jojo, you chokin'?"

Josephine calling for me, "Momma! Momma!"

OK, this is boring post. Bye for now.

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