Saturday, October 25, 2008

Best Day Ever.

Yesterday, we had a totally wonderful day. For over a month, I was planning a little party for a bunch of our kid friends. The party had a Fall theme, and I'd set up three or four mini crafty centers. Now, only one of the crafts came to fruition (cookie decorating!), but everyone seemed to have a great time. I did most of the prepping for the kids, but Bill planned the adult party, which consisted mainly of strong coffee. (We went through four eight-cup pots! But, admittedly, Bill probably drank one of the those himself.)

The party was a way for us to celebrate Fall, and remember that our Sophie is so with us in spirit always. We are so lucky to have her energy all around our house, and we wanted to remember how blessed we are in that way and why this season is so special. So, we had about 15 kids over, fully costumed. I have not one regret about the day. I was apprehensive, I will admit, that people wouldn't have fun. I think they did. I was worried people would think I was whack for having what basically amounted to a totally unofficial birthday party for Sophie. It wasn't awkward at all. I was afraid it would come across like Eleanor's party. It definitely did not - she got to enjoy just playing, without having to be the guest of honor.

It was such a nice day, and gave me something to look forward to - all of you who came played such a huge role in making my season bright and wonderful. And, the fact that we had friends here from hours and hours, states and states away (Mary, Westbrook, and Llandis win the award for furthest distance traveled - thank you!), toting their tots, and even about to deliver their babies, made it quite a gathering! There is much less of that sting this season, thanks to you all (and ALL of your kids, who I totally delighted in)!

Thank you. I love you all.

Pictures to come. (My camera situation is really really bad. But, some friends with these massive telescope style cameras took what must be great pictures. So, combined with the pictures I actually got and those that maybe I'll be able to steal, you'll be seeing it!)


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you had a beautiful day!

melissa said...

i am still so bummed that we missed it (although our weekend was rather fantastic). so happy to hear that it was a wonderful day!!!!

Dorki said...

It was by far the best party I've been to all year. Thank you for letting me and Joe be a part of it. I love the Baylys!!!!

melissa said...

post pictures please!!! i am stalking your page, and waiting not so patiently. ;) :)

(really, i understand - i'm just giving you a hard time)

Lora said...

In case I forget to comment tomorrow...just know that you are in my thoughts!