Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Patching with the Criss Kids!

Eleanor thought it was a great idea to kiss Juliet's stomach.
Then she got down to business playing with Lila.
Then she sat in a giant whale mouth.
Then she oddly mounted "Jill" of "Jack and Jill."
She thought Jill was silly.
She "shared" an inane pumpkin stem.
Stared into space.
She and Daddy looked at a pumpkin very seriously.
Then at corn.
Then in terror at another pumpkin.

The hayride was a little too early for Juliet's camera face...
But not for Connor's...
Or Jonas'...

Or Un-baby Lila Blue's!
And it's never too early for pigs and pig tails. :o)

1 comment:

melissa said...

looks like so much fun! we actually went to Larriland Farm a couple of Sundays ago. i am loving Eleanor's coat. please tell me where it came from. also, it is looking rather fantastic on Bill as well. :)