Sunday, September 07, 2008

Downs Park

So, we went to our favorite park, Downs Park, with the Criss kids (and parents!) last weekend. This was the Eleanor pick of the bunch - courtesy of Charlotte, as our camera was of course broken. This park is really special to us. We went there when I was pregnant with Sophie (almost exactly as pregnant as I am now), and have some of our sweetest and most vivid memories of her short time with us at that park. Also, Bill proposed to me on a rainy Mother's Day overlooking the water there. On last weekend's particular trip, it was more exciting than usual, because Eleanor waded in the water and three of four Criss kids took full baths in the bay. (Strictly prohibited for some lame reason we totally disregarded, probably something like diphtheria - like I said, lame.) Later, we took Eleanor to the dog beach, which as you can imagine was very very exhilarating.

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