Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Well, so sorry for the lack of posts, lately. Things are fine here in prego-land. At least today. Yesterday, I freaked out, sure I was feeling decreased movement. My doctor couldn't see me, so she sent me to the hospital, where they performed a Biophysical profile, and two hours of fetal monitoring. It was a long night of tests, and shuffling from cot to cot. But, in the end, BBLSTM was dubbed just fine. (She spent about twenty minute playing with her big toe, while taking deep, lazy practice breaths. Then, she kicked about 300 times, while the doctors looked at me like I was insane.) So, home I went at about nine PM. That's all I've got for now. Nothing poetic, just further reinforcement that BBLSTM is AOK.

PS - I have been so worried that, due to my anxiety, my blood pressure would shoot through the roof. Try worrying about worry - that's awesome. But, anyway, I guess I can relax about that - my blood pressure was 90/40. I should probably be more concerned about passing out than blowing up.


Anonymous said...

glad to hear that little Bayly is well. She is probably in there wondering what all the fuss is about. Only two months to go. Hang in there. And eat some salt or something.

Lora said...

I love the thought that Bayby is oblivious to all the chaos outside and I'm happy to hear she's having fun in there and that your BP is incredibly normal :)