Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Girls.

No. This post is not about my daughters. This post is about my "boobs". (Fear strikes my heart at the idea that my eighth graders *might* have found me yet again. But, shame on them.) Anyway...I was looking back at a quote someone left me on a previous post. This person, "anonymous", was kind enough to mention my once small frame and my very round six month pregnant stomach. The same person queried, "if your stomach is this big now, what will happen in the next few months", or something to that effect. Well, I'll tell you what. Boobs. I keep these girls bound in sports bras, push up bras, too-small-pre-first-pregnancy bras, but all to no avail. They are enormous. They were never terribly small, I'll admit, but at this point they are essentially the size of my head. Nice. (Oh, one other thing that has blossomed over the last month - my butt. My nine year old nephew told me yesterday, "Aunt Catherine, Uncle Bill said your butt is big." Of course, Bill did not say this to nine year old nephew, but nine year old nephew decided to use Bill as his cover. He is sneaky and would have loved nothing more than to see Uncle Bill get "in trouble", but there had to be some inspiration for that particular remark. Maybe it was my abundant hindquarters hovering just below his eye level. Again, nice.)

PS - I am not complaining. I am happy to take the weight. All in the name of keeping BBLSTM safe and happy. :o)


Anonymous said...

i can relate. someone on my myspace page commented on a picture that my boobs were the size of my head. i have not checked out my rear, though. i don't think i want to. :)

Anonymous said...

Just wait until your milk comes in and your boobs are not only the size of you head... but 10X the size of that sweet baby's head. It is a little scary!


CAGB said...

Yeah, I had my milk come in last time. It is even double sweet when you don't have a baby to breastfeed. That just adds insult to injury (aka one of the worst pains ever).