Saturday, July 18, 2009

Desperation...or just the way things go?

OK, so you all know I read the "pop" blogs. Sure, all the time. At any given time, I'm probably up on all the April Rose gossip, news of MckMama's latest trip to her beloved "splashpad," or the latest developmental hoo-ha-ha of Gwenyth Lawrenson. Mostly, I am just a pitiful voyeur. (But, it is only because the people I actually like can't post every second of every day, so I need to go elsewhere for an arsenal of new information.) But, doesn't it seem odd that these folks, as their popularity plateaus (at as many as 4,000 hits a day), find new, more invasive ways of inviting people into their lives. When did this yearning to be known become so desperate? Live chats, hanging out via webcam, and planning parties and vacations where the blogger is both hostess and guest of honor? And, the other guests are e-worshippers? These aren't friends made via blogging - these are "followers." Doesn't it feel off to invite a bunch of nutty stalkers to meet your family? All in the name of maintaining an obsessed readership? Weird. I am just saying.


Myself said...

And insisting on silly nicknames for children whom (who?) nearly the entire population of the internet can name?

Did that make sense? Yes, no, maybe?

Oh, and we are so alike it frightens me. Granted you have babies and I have furbabies, but still, damn.

Okay, that's it.

M said...

it is about money- readers = ads = money

my fav is the blogs that bash Kate (Jon-Kate+8)for doing the same thing they are doing (only bloggers get paid less)