Thursday, May 01, 2008

We really are still around.

But, it's been a crazy week. Computer trouble, camera trouble, a whole lot of hanging out and talking. We've really been enjoying a new level of Eleanor. She has been playing with dog food, taking knives out of the dishwasher, opening the cabinets and drawers, unzipping my purse, standing and climbing on everything, attacking the pets, and just generally making mischief. I guess she is a toddler now. :o)

Along with her new found curiosity, Eleanor is saying some really funny things. In addition to dog, mom, daddy, hi, duck, and book, she has been pointing at things and saying "Wooooow, oh wooow." Or "Oh, boy," or "Oooooh." Really silly. A typical day is Eleanor at the supermarket screaming high pitched crazily-excited squeals, and then when people look her way, she points directly in their faces and says, "Wow, oh, wow."

Also, Eleanor has been identifying a lot more (things to me that seem indicative of superior cognitive functioning, but maybe I'm a little biased, haha). For example, when Eleanor hears the dogs across the street barking, she points at the window and says "dog." So, I believe that to mean she really is understanding multiple things about her favorite subject, obviously dogs. Also, if I ask her, "Where is your Fanny?" (her pink elephant, not her fanny-fanny), she will dig Fanny out of a pile if need be to show her to me. And, any other elephant won't do. In fact, I asked her this morning, "Where is your Fanny?" And, of course, she grabbed her and held her up. Then, I asked "Where is the other elephant?" And, that genius found her gray elephant and held it up to me. She can do the same thing with her Big Bird, ducks, and (of course) dogs. I'll be trying more things throughout the day. And, last update, Eleanor is finally enjoying reading with me! This is something I've been waiting for. :o) She loves to turn the pages for me.

So, she's strapped in here, but imagine unleashing this silly thing around the house. It's exactly what you'd imagine.


Anonymous said...

She's a big girl now!!!! YAY!!!! Good luck on he walk today!

Lora said...

The child is clearly a genius, I have no doubt!

annie said...

She is insane. And incredible enjoyable. She has also proven time and time again how smart she is. You have quite the child there.