Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Whole Lot of Stuff.

1) What Eleanor looks like in the mornings, pre-bath.

2) Eleanor met MADELINE, a same age baby friend! (I have to ask Madeline's mommy for permission to post pictures of the two of them, but lucky you if I do.) But, she is sweet and wonderful, and we love her!

3) Eleanor hung out with Nick and Daniel (every day of her life!). They are such good cousins to her.

4) Eleanor had playdates with Abigail and Avery (two of her same age baby friends). I'll try to remember to get permission to post pictures with the Av-ster. And, being honest, between Madeline, Abigail, and Avery, Eleanor has learned a lot. Eleanor is not the world's most mobile child. Physical prowess is just not her strong point. (The mommies of these babies wouldn't but could attest to that.) But in the last few days, after seeing her lady friends, Eleanor has started pulling up on everything (way more than before), cruising a lot more, and even trying to crawl. (In, fact, she just came over to my desk and stood up next to me. No help, mommy, thank you very much.) Thanks, girls!

5) Eleanor hung out at Grandma Jean's on Friday.

6) Aunt Marie took Eleanor and Mommy to meet ponies.

7) Eleanor swung with Daddy! (Look at these faces - who's having more fun!?)


Leslie said...

Eleanor is a beautiful girl! I love her sweet little face.

melissa said...

the last one is my favorite. love that little face!

annie said...

These are so great. She is getting so big and looks like a little girl now. Eleanor and Bill are insanely cute together.