Monday, November 26, 2007

I can't be the only one.

Sometimes, Eleanor and I fall asleep together in my bed. I wake up to find myself curled around her tiny, sweet little body, and as I drift back to sleep I wonder, who needs who? Am I protecting Eleanor, or is she protecting me? Have I gravitated to her, have I come from her as much as she has come from me? It breaks my heart for her to be so wonderful.


Anonymous said...

Oh, no. You're not the only one. That is one of those crystalline, pure and almost overwhelming moments when you know your heart and your baby's heart are one.

melissa said...

it's true. i can't believe that my little baby, not even 6 months old yet, has formed me into a better version of myself just by simply being. it's not me WANTING to be better because of her, she's just somehow made me that way. she is my reason for being, and everything i have done in my life has just lead me up to today. it's truly amazing.

oh and ps - i'm jealous that you two can take naps together still ... anytime i try to lay down with abigail she wants to play.

pps - soon for a get together. this week post thanksgiving has been about trying to get back into a semblance of routine. ha.

ppps - hello essay.

Lora said...
