Friday, August 03, 2007

Things you may not know about Eleanor.

She cries crocodile tears.
She hates the sound velcro makes.
She hates to be cold.
She is generally sweet, but sometimes salty.
She hates those long sack dresses.
She hardly smiles, but when she does, it's heavenly.
She is intrigued by light flickering through the trees.
She finally has rolls in her upper legs.
She is bound to be a terror.
She has a hernia, which makes her belly button look like a clown's nose.
She hates white noise.
She loves ceiling fans.


melissa said...

i also hate the sound that velcro makes. i also hate the sound/feel that nails against baking sheets makes. also, careful of those rolls ... make sure to wash in between them ... i was fortunate enough to find a funky smelling substance n the ones on the back of abigail's legs (much like the smell in the rolls of her neck)last night. utterly foul.

Leslie said...

Ha ha! That's a great compilation. I feel like I already know so much about her little personality!