Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Well, I am officially on the are 100 things about me...

1) I have a new kitten with a peg leg.
2) I fancy myself a writer.
3) I drink coffee from Christmas mugs year-round.
4) I am beyond blessed to be spending forever with the love of my life.
5) I had a baby, and she died.
6) I didn't understand that the term stillborn applied to us, until other people began using it.
7) Her name is Sophie.
8) It is a miracle for people to remember those who we've lost.
9) I have a dog, Miles.
10) Only now that we have the kitty do I see him for the shiny, muscular, sweetheart that he is.
11) I have seen every episode of Gilmore Girls, AND Golden Girls at least twice.
12) I always thought I loved music, then I met Bill.
13) Despite all of the hard times, I am lucky beyond belief.
14) I do not like the ocean because it is deep, dark and cold.
15) I fear claymation.
16) My friend, Christine, from work has the same fear - she is the only one.
17) I have been a vegan for 10 years.
18) Despite all the evidence, I do not love animals, per se.
19) But, I do respect them.
20) My dog smells.
21) My kitten needs a bottle.
22) Maybe secretly I do love animals.
23) I definitely love baby humans.
24) I would like to have a pink, screaming one as soon as possible.
25) I love Bill.
26) I wonder (as does Mary) if other people love, respect, care for their mates as much as I do.
27) He is my best friend.
28) Together, we are 55% fun, 20% comfort, 20% intellectual discussion and 5% disagreement.
29) I believe the two most important things in a relationship are humor and unconditional love.
30) In fact, I am sure of that.
31) At least for me.
32) Tomatoes are my favorite food.
33) I can't wait to vacuum, because I have a new-to-me rainbow water filter vacuum, into which I will drop essential oils.
34) I have absolutely wonderful friends.
35) Not just because of our relationships with each other, but independently.
36) I simply never litter.
37) I really do care about the environment.
38) Last December, I sang in public for the first time since high school.
39) Bill and I sang a duet of "Tomorrow is a Long Time", by Bob Dylan.
40) People cried.
41) And then they cheered.
42) I was never jealous, until Sophie passed away.
43) But, I learn each day that everyone has sorrows in their hearts, that are just as painful and gripping as my own, and I think of them always.
44) I have to respect grief.
45) I am not as compassionate as I'd like to be of some gripes, however.
46) I get easily frustrated by people who complain about things they can change, but never change them.
47) I believe there are myriad things in life that we cannot control, so we must take those dissapointing things we can by the lapels, slam them up against the walls, and tear them down from within.
48) I falsely believe I have "figured myself out".
49) I used to think that when I passed, people would despair - now I do not think of that.
50) I want to live simply.
51) I relish the fact that I am not a superstar.
52) I often feel out of control.
53) Bob Dylan is playing upstairs.
54) Actually, it is a compact disc.
55) Right now is Sharkweek, which I think of as CHARkweek, because it is a passion of my friend, Charlotte's.
56) I love skirts.
57) I also love the new crayola commercial.
58) Sometimes I am sure that I am meant to die young.
59) I constantly fear losing people I love, especially Bill.
60) I used to cry at least every day, especially in the 6 months after we lost Sophie.
61) Now, I cry less than ever.
62) I've learned how to love and miss her, without being angry, jealous or frantic - mostly.
63) I think 80's commercials are just as awesome as 80's tv.
64) I have a near-constant fear that people are mad at me.
65) I never answer my phone.
66) I almost never exercise; I need to start.
67) I am an awesome speller.
68) I am a total last minute worker.
69) I used to love, I mean LOVE, pot.
70) But, I have not smoked or drank liquor over 2 years.
71) Now I love a well-sharpened pencil.
72) I used to eschew dancing, because I used to be self-conscious.
73) Now, I am a "dancing" machine.
74) As the time nears for us to try for another baby, I am terrified.
75) I want to stay home when we have another little one.
76) Bill is trying super-hard to make that dream come true.
77) Bill loves when I go to bed after he does.
78) It makes him feel safe that I am up and about.
79) So, often I stay up an extra 30 minutes or so.
80) I delight in children of all ages.
81) I have nearly boundless patience with children.
82) When Bill kisses me, and says he loves me, I know he means it.
83) At the hospital, moments after Sophie was born still, the nurse told us "this will either bond you together forever, or tear you apart".
84) I think LLCoolJ is hot.
85) My parents and friends were surprised that I am marrying a white guy.
86) Bill wants to make a movie about a white girl, who only dates black guys, and the story of her forbidden relationship with a white man.
87) Bill has the greatest movie ideas.
88) Other people's pain makes me shudder.
89) Especially when I know that my mother is sad.
90) I am reading Loser, by Jerry Spinelli, and it is making me cringe with sadness already.
91) This list has taken me 3 days.
92) I still dream that I will find my Sophie somewhere, and adopt her, never knowing whether it is her or just another baby sent from above.
93) I know what a wonderful father Bill would have been/is/will be.
94) At least every minute, I think of Sophie.
95) I am emotional.
96) I want to own a farm, with horses, peach orchards, cows, pumpkins and petting animals.
97) Sophie died on Halloween.
98) I always loved Halloween.
99) I will give my all this Halloween.
100) Only the best candy, decorations, cupcakes, and costumes forever.


Lora said...

Thank you for sharing your 100 Things. Yay for being vegan! I keep promising myself I will do that one day. But I have to learn to eat healthy first (oh yeah, and cook) :)

Thank you for sharing your story. I wish I could find the right words to bring you comfort, but I am severely lacking. Just know that you are thought of often and loved by a stranger :)

Leslie said...

Hope you don't mind me sailing in from Mary's blog. I loved your list! I fancy you a writer as well; your way with words is inspiring. You paint such vivid pictures in your posts.

I tried being a vegetarian for two years. It is very hard when your husband is an extremely non-supportive, self-proclaimed carnivore.

What you have gone through this year is absolutely heart-wrenching. There are simply no words to describe the agony you must have felt and feel to this day. I don't even know you, and your story moves me to tears every time I read this blog. How you have managed to thrive and live so well after all you have been through - amazing. I have nothing but admiration and respect for you.

Anonymous said...

You just gave my face a workout. My mouth has never laughed and frowned so quickly. I feel like people that read this are in a secret club that know the best author, and nobody else knows about you. Blah... you make me emotional and sappy, and I hate that. You have made all of your readers obsessed with your personal life. I hope to see you soon (and your new home)(and new stumpy leg cat).

M said...

Catherine, you are one of the funniest people I know. Thanks for jumping on the bandwagon, it is scary at first to share so many things but I think it gives us each an interesting perspective on our own little worlds.

Have I mentioned lately that you are my hero? I have no idea how you have survived the last 10 months. You give me confidence that one day I will be able to think of Drew and only smile, remembering his life more often than his death. Thank you.