Monday, May 17, 2010

I have told them lately.

There are lots of things I do "wrong" as a parent.  Nitpicking.  Yelling.  Fretting.  Sweets giving.  Movie allowing.  Etc.  But, there is one thing I definitely do right.  I tell my kids I love them randomly about 100 times a day (about half the number of times I have to reprimand them).  Sometimes I know this is irritating and smothering.  So, well, that's not "right."  But, I can tell my kids are secure in themselves.  They are quick to randomly drop an "I love you" back on me.  And sometimes on other people.  They love to meet people.  They are trusting to a fault.  Their confidence tells me they know I love them unconditionally.  That's it for now.  I love those girls.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude, clearly I need to update and check my friends blogs more often. THe posts below almost had me peeing. I don't think I would have ever linked cantering to Sam Cooke, but I can totally see it!

I also eat the same foods over and over again. After I'm done with a phase, months and even years lapse when I won't touch that food anymore. Once in a while, Devin will bring something home if its time to go back 'in rotation.' I'm OCD about pretty much everything :)