Sunday, July 13, 2008

The pregnancy so far...

Well, I suppose I should update on all we know so far. This pregnancy, like both of our others, has been physically uneventful as of yet. So, I'll get people up to speed.

We found out we were pregnant the weekend of Mother's Day. I was about to buy stock in EPT, because we'd been assuming I was pregnant for about a month. But, alas each test came back negative. I had just stopped pumping. (Because, although I didn't update on this, I pumped exclusively for nine plus months.) So, it was no surprise everything was "off." Anyway, we got a positive test. We made an appointment for a few weeks from then (assuming I was six weeks, due to my LMP) and tried to go about life as usual. At my appointment, I thought the sonographer would say I was eight, nine, or (hopefully) even ten weeks! To my disappointment, I measured at just over seven weeks. Wow, doesn't seem like a big deal, but those are three more weeks of being pregnant, which at the end for me, are staggering. But, OK.

Two weeks ago, we had our 12 week u/s and bloodwork, including the nuchal fold translucency test. We were delighted to be measuring a bit ahead and for everything to have checked out wonderfully! The baby had a fast heartbeat (161 at 7 weeks, and 163 at 11.5 weeks). We all know what "they" say that means. "They" enjoy a wivestale as much as anything, though. But, health-wise, all looks well. And, just like both of our girls' sonogram pictures are strikingly similar, our snapshot of Eleanor at 12.5 weeks bears a really stunning resemblance to this baby at 11.5. (And, I would say almost a "freaky" resemblance, beyond the general likenesses of all healthy 12 week old fetuses.) We are so lucky to have yet another chance to experience loving a baby!

In between those two appointments and up to now, there has been:

Much (much) nausea.
No actual vom.
Much injecting of self with pig intestines.
Much battling with the insurance company.
A surprising dearth of anxiety.
Much fun.
Much to do.


Lora said...

OMG OMG OMG! This is what I get for having my internet cut off! CONGRATS HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

M said...

HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart just skipped a beat. AWESOME!!!!!

I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace, love, and babies:)