Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Much Obliged.

A. Attached or Single? Attached.
B. Best Friend? I have lots of wonderful friends. Because I am sooo popular. Haha.
C. Cake or pie? Today, I would choose cake. Actually, or pie. Either one.
D. Day of choice? Thursday. Just because it is our "Special Day."
E. Essential item? Coffee.
F. Favorite color? Vermilion.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Both!
H. Home town? (West) Laurel, MD.
I.Favorite indulgence? Talking to myself. I know I mention in all my surveys that I talk to myself. And, that is because if I could I would talk to myself all day. Now, it has become an indulgence, because I feel like Eleanor benefits more when I talk to her than when I mutter to myself.
J. January or July? January. I want ice cold.
K. Kids? One in heaven. One napping upstairs. And, one in the womb.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Daily out-of-control laughing spells with Bill.
M. Marriage date? September 30th.
N. Number of brothers and sisters? I have three brothers, but there can only be one sissy.
O. Oranges or Apples? Oranges. In fact, when people choose apples, I just don't understand. (Although, it seems most people do.) Nothing on Earth makes me thirstier than an apple.
P. Phobias? Loss. Claymation.
Q. Quotes? "If there's anything I've learned, it's that relationships are hard." -My dad. I find myself saying that often to people. I have been blessed with a relationship that is often pretty fun, but not for lack of work. And, for all of us, relationships are major themes in our lives. Nothing poetic, believe it or not.
R. Reasons to smile? Eleanor.
S. Season of choice? Fall and Winter.
T. Tag 5 people: Charlotte, Melissa, and Jessica. (Those are my only friends, I believe (forgive me if I'm wrong), who haven't been tagged, and have blogs.)
U. Unknown fact about me? I often wear a red and white striped mumu with a bell on it. Right above the bell, it says "DO NOT DISTURB." If I am wearing it, and Bill even tries to say
"hi" to me, I ring the bell and walk away. Usually, we laugh and I come right back. But, the Do Not Disturb Mumu is only a half joke.
V. Vegetable? Tomato. (And, that's only as much of a fruit as any of the others. They are all fruits, or tubers.)
W. Worst habit? Checking my emails. I do it way too often. And, it usually eclipses other more important things.
X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound. Definitely.
Y. Your favorite food? Oh man. It would be hard to say, given that I can eat more than anyone on Earth. And, I would, if I had the time, energy, and resources. Today, I would eat Hunan House, vegetarian Chinese food.
Z. Zodiac sign? Sagittarius.
Z. Which zoo animal is your favorite? Anything that is vicious and snarling. I don't love the zoo (although, given that I have a one year old who wishes she was a vet, I should get used to it), so I need a thrill with my animals.


Anonymous said...

I am going to do the same survey on my blog!!! :)

Charlotte : ) said...

Why two Zs?