Friday, February 22, 2008

Sooo last century.

So, when Bill and I were first dating, he had a truly indiscernible style. There were shorts year-round, socks with flip flops, wool hats, sports t-shirts, nary a jacket to be found. I just couldn't decipher what on Earth was going on. So, I asked Bill in a round-about way, "So, like, what's your style? What's a piece of clothing you really like?" He paused, as if the question of his own fashion identity had never crossed his mind. After a few moments, his face lit up. "You know, I really like those long sleeved shirts with the three buttons." Wow. Well, there it was. Not a nice suit, or a button down, witty, vintage t-shirts, or even a secret penchant for euro-jeans. The long sleeved shirts with the three buttons. Despite my misgivings, I smiled encouragingly, in a way that screamed through gritted teeth and with a laugh in my throat, "Thank you for sharing."

And since that day, my husband has insisted on dressing like it is an episode of 90210. If there is an opportunity to dress for an occasion midway between a suit and pajamas, Bill will don the exact apparel debuted in the Brandon Walsh senior photo. With all the pomp he can muster (which is quite a bit), Bill will tuck his three button thermal into his pleated, belted dockers, worn over lace-up brown boots. He pranced down the stairs this morning, and I did an actual double take. I kid you not, I cried out, "What, is it 1991?" Enjoy.

(PS. I love my husband, and this post is Bill-approved. And, contrary to what you might imagine, this wardrobe was not purchased at County Seat.)


Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure thats how he posed in the homecoming pictures when we went in 1995! lol!!!

Rachel said...

I think maybe our husbands have a lot in common when it comes to fashion. Of course you are WAY nicer than I am about it. I have to say--Bill can pull it off!

annie said...

Wow. It is Brandon Walsh. Kudos to Bill for being a good sport.

CAGB said...

1)Bill is freaking hilarious. He actually said, as he left the house, "If I come back and there is a blog mocking me, I totally understand."
2) Too bad Bill doesn't have a dimple. Then he would really be mistaken for Brandon Walsh when he is doing his chest beating "I love music" dance at the Peach Pit After Dark.

M said...

Best blog post EVER!!!!

melissa said...

oh this is just hilarious.

ps. dave and bill could totally match. that outfit is definitely something dave would put on ... and then i'd have to say "are you seriously going to wear that out?".