Friday, September 21, 2007

I must be a natural complainer...

...because Eleanor is actually an awesome sleeper. I am always like, "I am so exhausted, just so tired", bleh, eh, waa. And, I say it because it is true, but maybe it is because I am severely anemic, or fat, or lazy, or my days are hard, but it certainly isn't for lack of opportunities to sleep. At this moment, it is 3:19 am, and I am up pumping because Miss Eleanor has been asleep since, oh, 8:30 pm. That's right, going on 7 hours. And, she may want to eat at 4 am, or so, but after that she will likely sleep on in until until daylight. That z fest is all followed by a nap around 10 am, and another long one from about 1 pm to 3 pm. And, maybe a couple of catnaps in between. So, hmm, that totals 14 hours, approximately, of sleep. Now, I just need to ween myself off of checking on her literally every FIVE minutes, even at night. Maybe that's why I'm tired...


Lora said...

Lily is 18 months and I'm still beat too. As much as it may come from lack of sleep or whatever, I think the most exhausting part of motherhood is the never-ending vigilance. It is absolutely draining to always have to be "on" so to speak. Even when Lily is sleeping, I have one ear open for her. When she's playing, I gotta check on her a billion times. No matter how much they sleep or self-entertain, that vigilance is just part of it. It's nature, really, but geez, its freaking exhausting! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

It's funny you blog about this. I was just looking at Melissa's page, and saw that you were up at 3:30. It actually makes me feel sick to think about being up that long after watching over a baby all day. Not enough recognition is given to this feat. And you always sound so awake and coherent when I talk to you. How you do that is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Dont worry I bet you have girlfriend that complain way more than you do!!! Actually I KNOW you do!... and you are allowed and deserve to complain about rest as much as you want my sweet catherine!

Leslie said...

It doesn't end. Sam is two and I still check on him every time I wake up at night (which is often - what is it about motherhood that affects your sleep so much)?

Oh, and I loved your comment about our teams playing in the playoffs. I am refraining from responding because I do not want to jinx us. :)