Monday, June 26, 2006

This Old House.

So, recently I realized that this blog would be nothing if I were not to catch you up on my life thus far. Anyone who has lighted upon this page has surely gotten the basic gist of the most important happenings, but how about the intimate details? No, seriously. I plan to log in detail our move to the new house that we are oh-so-excited about. And, it would be unfair to do that without letting you know about 9708 53rd Ave, where we live now.

The house we have just begun to disassemble in preparation for our Friday settlement is in College Park. Do I need to say that this is a "college" town? While our neighborhood is quiet and pleasant, mostly families, the majority of CP, as we lovingly call it, is generally rowdy and filled to the brim with students in overpriced housing and gleaming new cars.

As I said though, our neighborhood is comprised almost entirely of families. Plenty of children can be seen and heard in the streets throughout the afternoons and all weekend. Each house looks basically the same with few variations on the two models, mostly in the way of color or facade material. But, this was truly a fixer-upper and we did our best to make it our own. Here are some before and afters. But first, weren't we cute???

So handy and "tuff".

Me, cute and happy, and wielding a crow bar.

Vulture Strut.


Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.