Friday, September 10, 2010

This blog... like a sad little dying star over here. (Oh, the narcissism.) But, really, I've been so busy. My semester started two weeks ago. I'm working part time at the university. I have my new thing. Aha! Fooled you with shameless self-promotion. Not. Anyway, the kids? Wonderful, amidst all the busy.

Eleanor is, well, actually wonderful wasn't the right word. She's hilarious. And sassy. And quite the fashionista. Wonderful? A little. :o) She started preschool three weeks ago. And, she is completely loving it. She is a little reticent to discuss the haps, which is something we'll have to work on. But, she raves about her teachers and the toys they have, so that's all I can ask. I mean, three year old preschool? That means "toys," right?

Today, we stopped by to visit my wonderful neighbor/friend, Kelly, and her two sons, Jackson (two) and Carter (three months). Eleanor pointed at Kelly's stomach and said, "Baby Carter? Baby Carter isn't in your tummy anymore?" And, Kelly said, "No, Baby Carter came out!" To which Eleanor replied, "Oh, so you pooped him out?" (Keep in mind, Eleanor has seen Carter 50 million times in three months, so I don't know where the curiosity came from.)

This isn't even a great story to explain Eleanor's real hilarity. That lies in her use of her hands and face to express herself like a grownup. We are out of milestones to chart, but things keep changing here. And right now, Eleanor's sharp as can be, and I'm loving it (when I'm not trying to trick her). 

Josephine. My lord. Can you say "language explosion"? She can. She can say anything she wants. She uses up to five word sentences. As in "Mommy turn Bees Bees on please?" "I ready take bath now." "Ella crying sad took tumble." It's still halting, but it's happening. At lightning speed, I think.

She is still not terrible, although she's inching toward two. I'm waiting for the day. We shall see if she goes to the dark side. I'd be sad, but Eleanor needs a buddy over there. Because, I am always in control of my emotions. And I never tantrum as a woman nearing thirty. Never.

I love those girls. I love their snuggles.  And their little kisses.  And the way they look like mini grown ups.  And their wild curls and long silken locks.  That's what I've got for now.

BTW, Sophie would be five next month.  Oh my heart.


Rumour Miller said...

That's cute what Eleanor said!

Piper and I had a similar conversation. I'm just about to post it.

Lora said...

Lily never tells me about her day at school other than when asked what she did, she replies "Play, Laugh, Learn" -- which is the slogan for Playskool, I think.